Such an exciting time for me right now! The day the article of my book appeared in the Sewickley Herald my friends & I had a small celabration at a local restaurant. The weather was gorgeous that day and what a perfect way to end the evening chatting & giggling about my book and where it is taking me (us) & teasing about being on Oprah someday while sharing time over a luscious glass of petit syrah wine at a table on the sidewalk in the village.
The food, wine and company was great. It was as if we had planned it. But we didn't. It was imprompted and turned out one of the best evenings in a long time.
Of course I can dream about being on Oprah, I hardly think there may be a chance at that. Especially since Oprah is going off the air, on to new ventures of her own. But a girl can dream can't she! It is great to have my friends dream along with me. I just love seeing them smile back at me with the same joy in their eyes & voice that I am having. That is the meaning of true friendship! Hearing and seeing that for myself. I am truly so Blessed, beyond measure. God has been good to me all my life but it seems what we lack in one area he gives an abundance in others.
Girlfriends, women supporting other women, in all times of their lives. This is what life is truly about. And I am so thankful to have all my girlfriends here to celebrate with me. For they have cried with me and now is the time for happy tears, laughing till it hurts and casting all other worries aside if even for a few hours and then to go back to our lives separately. I have many friends, all are different and all represent a unique part of me and I love them all!
Happy Monday Everyone!