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For Better~For Worse~~~Happy Ever After~Happily Divorced

For Better~For Worse~~~Happy Ever After~Happily Divorced
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Book Signing 8-28-2010

8-28-10 Book signing @ The Penguin Bookshop, Sewickley, PA. I was fortunate enough to be invited by The Penguin Bookshop to be a part of their "Beckoning of Booklovers" event this past Saturday. It was a very exciting day for me as this was my first signing since the book launch in June. My book now has a temporary home on the shelves inside the brick & mortar store of The Penguin. Aside from selling my books online it is a wonderfully fulfilling feeling to have my book placed on the shelves of a book store. The day was very fruitful meeting the other authors and seeing that they have come across some of the same obstacles as I have in getting my book into print. The main thing is to persevere in your efforts and don't give up hope. The feeling when it is all said and don and is in print is by far well worth every obstacle which you may face on the path. Seeing your book in print is one of the most rewarding feelings I have ever experienced in my life and getting it inside the doors of a book store takes it to another level yet. Also on Saturday my great friend Frannie was out at Barnes & Noble shopping and sent me a picture with her cell phone......she found MY BOOK sitting on the shelves there! I knew it was online at Barnes & Noble but there it was on the shelves in the store itself! Could my life get any better than this!?! I can only dream!!!...Picture on left is me @ The Penguin...Picture on top right is my book @ Barnes & Noble